World Hormone Day takes place on Thursday 24 April 2025. This brings together the endocrine community around the world to raise awareness of the importance of good hormone health.
Under the banner of #BecauseHormonesMatter, we’ll share the small steps everyone can take to improve hormone health, individually and within our communities. Will you join us?
- Endocrinology is the study of hormones, which are essential for health and wellbeing. When hormones are out of balance or fail, this can lead to the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, cancer, osteoporosis and obesity, and other health challenges such as infertility.
- There are also more than 400 rare endocrine conditions that affect millions of people worldwide, but often go undetected.
- Despite scientific progress and increased awareness in some areas, there’s still a lot more that can be done. World Hormone Day is an opportunity for us to work together to put hormones in the spotlight.
- ESE published 10 Recommendations for Good Hormone Health as an Annex to the Milano Declaration. These recommendations are a great place to start when thinking about small steps to take.
The 2025 campaign has two main goals:
1) To raise public awareness of the importance of good hormone health by suggesting small actions we can all take towards better hormone health.
2) To improve national political engagement with the policymakers who can lay the groundwork for better prevention, diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disease.
Participants can choose whatever themes and activities are most relevant to their community, uniting behind the #BecauseHormonesMatter message.
ESE and the ESE Foundation will promote World Hormone Day on social media and traditional media in the run up to the event and on the day itself.
Here are a few ways you can take part:
- Join in the conversation on social media using the hashtags #BecauseHormonesMatter and #WorldHormoneDay
- Hold an online or in-person event with your community to promote the small steps everyone can take to achieve good hormone health
- Reach out to your local or national media to encourage coverage of World Hormone Day and explain why hormones matter
- Reach out to “endocrine champions” who can help amplify the message in your community
- Talk to local, national and regional policymakers and organisations who can help drive improvements in research, diagnosis and treatment.
The Public Outreach Toolkit includes:
- World Hormone Day logos
- Save the date graphics
- Posters
- Videos
- Why Hormones Matter – infographics, social media graphics and animations (with global and European statistics)
- 10 Recommendations for Good Hormone Health – infographics, social media graphics and animations
- Calendar of hormone-related awareness days
- Social media profile picture frame
- Press release template
- Blog post/article template
- Media pitch checklist and template
- Quick-guide to finding an endocrine champion
- Using social media to support WHD
- Workshop recordings
There is also a policy toolkit to support engagement with policymakers.
Materials are available with and without the 2025 date.
If you need files in any other format, please contact the ESE Marketing Team.
Translations of infographics and social media graphics are available in the following languages:
- English (“base” language for all materials)
- Arabic
- Bosnian
- Croatian
- Dutch
- French
- German
- Hebrew
- Italian
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Spanish
- Turkish
- Ukrainian