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To view the full terms and conditions please click here.

Once your booking is confirmed for an ECE@Home ticket, and payment has been made, registration for ECE 2024 cannot be cancelled or refunded as all content will be available for you to access during and after the Congress dates on ESE On Demand.

If you have not used the M-anage platform before for a previous online event and have been registered by a third party (or part of a group booking), please click here and log in and follow the instructions to set up your credentials and trigger an account verification email. Please make sure you do this before the start of the event.  If you have registered yourself, you do not need to do this.

If you have already confirmed your account, but do not remember your password, you can reset this by clicking on FORGOT PASSWORD. Please check your spam folder for any communications.

IMPORTANT: If you have not used the ESE On Demand M-anage platform before for a previous ESE online event and have been registered by a third party or part of a group, please click here and log in and follow the instructions to set up your credentials and trigger an account verification email. Please make sure you do this before the start of the event. If you have registered yourself, you do not need to do this.

If you have already confirmed your account, but do not remember your password, you can reset this by clicking on FORGOT PASSWORD. Please check your SPAM folder for any communications.

IMPORTANT ACCESS INFORMATION FOR GROUP LEADERS: If your participants have not previously accessed ESE's platform via M-anage (ESE’s on demand and online Congress platform), please remind them to look out for an email from the M-anage support team to verify their account. If participants do not verify their accounts, they will not be sent further instructions about ECE 2024. 

If your participants have used the M-anage platform before, please ask them to log in to ensure they remember their login details. If they have forgotten their password, they can reset this by clicking on FORGOT PASSWORD. They will need to check their SPAM/Junk folder for any communications as these may land there depending on SPAM filter settings and firewalls.

Yes, if the session is available to watch live you can add your questions/comments during the live session or afterwards (for up to 2 weeks). The question box will appear underneath the live stream or the on demand webcast.

No, your registration cannot be transferred to anyone else.

A Certificate of Attendance will be available for all delegates attending the ECE 2024 Congress. This will be available via the ECE 2024 platform after the event closes.

The European Congress of Endocrinology, Stockholm, Sweden 11/05/2024 - 14/05/2024 (ECE 2024), has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 16.5 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).

Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

Following the Congress all attendees will be sent an evaluation form by email to complete. This will also be made available via the ECE 2024 Congress platform. All feedback will make a considerable difference and help us to improve future congresses. Following completion of the evaluation form a CME certificate will be emailed within 14 working days of the survey closing date.

Please send any questions about CME certificates to

For the ECE@Home content, CME points will only be awarded if:

  • You have completed an evaluation for each session you attended (this is only triggered once at least 20 minutes has been viewed)
  • The post-event survey is completed.

One CME point will be awarded per hour viewed. Your CME points will be calculated based on your total live viewing time over the four live Congress days, providing the above criteria has been met.

CME accreditation will also be available for ESE On Demand content.

ESE Membership renewals for 2024 will be sent out in January 2024. This is slightly later than usual as we are currently installing a new Membership Management System. This new Membership system will have lots of useful new features to help you make the most of your ESE Membership benefits, and will also include new payment options for renewal. Please don’t worry as you can access all your Member benefits as usual. If you have any questions, please contact us at 

The Congress platform is now live! Take time to explore the programme and posters – you can also organise your day by setting up your own programme reminders.


Don't forget to check out the Congress e-Bag which contains lots of useful information, including the ECE 2024 ePoster Book, industry information, upcoming ESE events, and much more!


Get involved in the live-streamed sessions by asking questions, which will be answered by speakers directly. You'll also be able to socialise and network with fellow delegates through the messaging feature. And, if you miss anything, you can catch up on demand.


How to login:

• Go to the Congress platform homepage

• Click the login button in the top right corner

• Once you have logged in, click on the tile that says 'Visit ECE 2024 Congress'

• Please note: you will only need to do this once. You will then be logged in for the duration of the Congress, unless you specifically choose to log out.

The ECE 2024 App is now available, providing comprehensive information about the this year's Congress, including the programme, award winners, listings for oral and rapid presentations, and all other features. Download it from the relevant App Store on Apple or Android to access all features.

The Congress e-Bag offers further information about our Congress partners, along with additional Congress features. By using the QR code system, you can access detailed information about our partners and sponsors, view upcoming ESE events, and download handbooks that include all posters, orals, and rapid presentations listings and MTE interviews. You can find all of the materials in our virtual delegate bag on the Congress platform from the ‘Congress e-Bag’ button.

For you to have the best user experience at ECE 2024, we strongly recommend using Google Chrome as your internet browser as this works best with the event's digital platform. You can find instructions on how to download Google Chrome here. 

Yes, the content (the recordings which include slides) from ECE 2024 will be accessible on ESE On Demand for 60 days after the congress to all registered delegates. Please note, some industry content will be removed seven days post Congress. Non-members will lose access after 60 days.  

ESE Members who don’t register to attend ECE 2024 will be able to access content highlights only from ECE 2024 after 60 days. All other content will become accessible a year after the Congress (May 2025).