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Geoffrey Harris Award

The European Society of Endocrinology is pleased to present the annual Geoffrey Harris Award. This prestigious award recognises researchers in the field of neuroendocrinology.

The award consists of a financial reward, medal and travel expenses and will be presented during the annual European Congress of Endocrinology, where the winner will be asked to give one of the Plenary lectures, in addition to two other lectures at future ESE scientific meetings. Up until 2023, the Geoffrey Harris Award was supported by Ipsen and we thank them for their support of this award.

2024 Winner

We are pleased to announce that the 2024 Geoffrey Harris Award winner is Jens C. Brüning from Germany. The title of his lecture at ECE 2024 is "Hypothalamic control of energy and glucose homeostasis".

Nominations for the 2025 award are now closed.

The winner will be announced later in the year. The 2025 Awards will be presented at the Joint Congress of ESPE and ESE 2025 ‘Connecting Endocrinology Across the Life Course’ in the wonderful city of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Nominations for the award are invited from individuals or any scientific organisation or administrative group. Self-nominations will be accepted if supported by two ESE members. The candidate must be a member of ESE. 

Members of the ESE Executive Committee and the ECE Programme Organising Committee are not eligible for one year after their term of office ends. ESE Committee Chairs and Focus Area Leads are not eligible whilst in office.

Nominations should include:

  • Nomination covering letter, including the merits of the nominee and the reasoning for the nomination (no longer than two pages)
  • CV and Bibliography - list the most relevant research/publications of the nominee (up to 10 publications within the last 10 years)
  • Letter of support (if self-nomination) from two ESE members
  • Tentative title of the plenary lecture

The jury is composed of five members of the ESE Executive Committee and is formed each year. A member of the Executive Committee may not serve in the jury when nominations have been received from from a nominee from their country. If this reduces the number below the minimum of 5 jury members, then external jury members are to be consulted.

The Chairman of the jury is usually the ESE Secretary. If not a member of the jury, for reasons outlined above, the President or the Treasurer will act as Chairman. If all three are not members of the jury, the jury selects a chairman from their own number.

Please contact the ESE Office for further information.

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